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Você recebeu o convite para uma festa importante e se deparou com um pedido: traje esporte fino feminino .
E agora, 🍇 o que vestir? Pensando nesta ocasião, separamos informações e dicas práticas para te ajudar nesta produção especial.
Traje Esporte Fino Feminino
Assim 🍇 como existem vestimentas especiais para determinadas situações e profissões, como trabalhadores de saúde ou militares, por exemplo, também têm alguns 🍇 tipos específicos de roupas, calçados e acessórios para ocasiões especiais.
Do mesmo modo, alguns modelos e materiais de vestidos, calças, blusas 🍇 e saias são mais apropriados para as festas.
Mas, como saber qual é o mais oportuno?
É aí que entra a comunicação 🍇 com os anfitriões do evento.
Quem organiza as festas pensa em todos os detalhes: local, horário, temática, decoração, etc.
E, assim, são 🍇 essas pessoas que já estão em contato direto com a organização dos festejos quem melhor saberá direcionar o tipo de 🍇 roupa que os convidados devem vestir.
Afinal, o clima de um casamento todo tradicional, à noite, é bem diferente de um 🍇 churrasco de festa de 15 anos, em um sítio, concorda? Aliás, o mesmo vestido longo todo decotado e brilhoso que 🍇 se usaria no primeiro evento, ficaria fora de ambiente na segunda festa, não é mesmo?
Dessa forma, antes de tudo, atente-se 🍇 às orientações gerais dadas pelos os noivos, pais de aniversariante ou quem quer que esteja organizando a festa.
Isso vai te 🍇 ajudar – e bastante – a se orientar sobre como se vestir durante o evento, de maneira bem confortável.
Pensando nisso, 🍇 selecionamos dicas especiais para inspirar cassino bac bo produção de festa 🙂
Mas, e se os anfitriões não definirem qual tipo de traje 🍇 vestir? Pois também acompanhe nossas dicas abaixo, para acertar de vez na escolha do look!
O que é Traje Esporte Fino 🍇 Feminino?
Traje nada mais é do que um tipo de vestimenta adequada ou específica para determinada ocasião.
Quando se tratam de festas 🍇 e eventos especiais, são mais comuns 4 tipos de trajes:Trajes Esporte
Traje Esporte Fino (ou Passeio)
Traje Social (ou Passeio Completo)
Traje de 🍇 Gala (a Rigor ou Black Tie)
O Traje Esporte compreende roupas desprentensiosas.
É uma forma de se vestir de maneira mais casual 🍇 e livremente.
Esse tipo é mais requisitado em eventos descontraídos, como festas de aniversário.
Não é muito comum em casamentos e formaturas, 🍇 por exemplo, por ser muito básico para tais ocasiões.
Já o Traje Esporte Fino é o típico tipo de roupa que 🍇 a gente usa quando quer se "arrumar mais um pouco".
Ele leva peças mais elaboradas, looks pensados e composições harmoniosas.
Vamos falar 🍇 mais extensamente deste tipo ao longo do texto, ok?
Por outro lado, o Traje Social é aquela "roupa de madrinha".
Quando falamos 🍇 desse estilo de vestimenta, pensamos em produções planejadas, com vestidos e peças bem formais, além de todo um conjunto de 🍇 maquiagem, penteado e acessórios perfeitos.
Por último, o Traje a Rigor é o menos comum dentre os tipos.
Isso porque ele trata 🍇 de roupas pensadas para serem usadas em eventos ultra-formais ou mega-especiais, como entregas de prêmios, tapetes vermelhos, Oscar e por 🍇 aí vai.
Assim, não é tão usado em festas mais "comuns".
Dessa forma, dá pra compreender que cada um dos trajes tem 🍇 um grau de formalidade, certo? E, quanto mais próximo ao Black Tie, mais elaborado o look para festa.
Como Usar Esporte 🍇 Fino
Agora que já compreendemos o que é um Traje Esporte Fino, é hora de entendermos o que se deve usar 🍇 para esse tipo de produção.
O que pode usar: O que evitar:
Modelagens mais elegantesTecidos nobresSalto médio a alto
Acessórios de bom gosto
Comprimentos 🍇 de médio a longo Roupas com caimento ruim
Produções muito justas ou muito largasSapatos sem salto
Acessórios sem refino
Comprimentos muito curtos
Lembrando que 🍇 essas informações são apenas para direcionar as suas escolhas e, não, permissões ou proibições.
É importante pensar no contexto da festa 🍇 e juntá-lo com seu gosto pessoal para, inclusive, manter a cassino bac bo personalidade, está bem?
Traje Esporte Fino Feminino para Casamento
O Traje 🍇 Passeio é um dos mais indicados para casamento.
Especialmente, se você for convidada.
Como falamos, madrinhas, mães dos noivos ou outras pessoas 🍇 de grande importância para a cerimônia tendem a se vestir de acordo com o Traje Social.
Mas, se este não é 🍇 o seu caso, o Traje Esporte Fino é o ideal para looks de casamento para convidadas.
Assim, se o convite não 🍇 definir o estilo de roupa que deve ser usado, seguir estas dicas é uma boa alternativa.
Looks para casamento de dia
Os 🍇 casamentos realizados durante o dia tendem a ser menos formais.
Isso não quer dizer, no entanto, que o look deva ser 🍇 de qualquer jeito.
Muito pelo contrário! Pense em todo o trabalho e esforço dos noivos para preparar essa grande festa! Eles 🍇 merecem, por consideração, um visual bacana para o dia, não concorda?
Isso não quer dizer que você precisa gastar fortunas! Mas, 🍇 algumas dicas podem te ajudar na escolha acertada da produção esporte fino para o casamento durante o dia.
Preferencialmente, opte por 🍇 cores opacas em roupas, calçados e acessórios.
O brilho pode reluzir de maneira incômoda durante o dia.
Deixe as peças brilhosas para 🍇 ocasiões especiais noturnas.
Os comprimentos médio, mídi e longo são bem-vindos para casamentos durante o dia.
Caso haja um pouco mais de 🍇 abertura, até mesmo os curtos – não tão curtos – cabem para a cerimônia e festa.
Casórios realizados de dia também 🍇 permitem estampas mais leves.
Você pode, assim, escolher por vestidos, blusas, calças, saias e macacões floridos ou de animal print, por 🍇 exemplo.
Looks para casamento de noite
Já os eventos realizados durante a noite permitem um pouco mais de glamour.
Isso, sem dúvida, com 🍇 a elegância e sofisticação que o Traje Esporte Fino feminino requer.
Para cerimônias e festas de casamento noturnas, você pode até 🍇 apostar em peças um pouco mais ousadas, em decotes, ajustamento e modelagens.
Mas lembre-se: os noivos são a verdadeira atração da 🍇 festa.
Vista-se de forma que você apareça, mas não tente ofuscar este momento tão especial e único na vida do casal.
Por 🍇 fim, capriche nos acessórios como colares, brincos e pulseiras, além, é claro, de clutches e bolsas mais a cara de 🍇 festa.
Arremate com um bom salto e a produção está completa.
Por fim, regra de ouro para qualquer tipo de casamento: 🍇 evite ao máximo roupas brancas, off-white, pérola ou outro tom parecido.
Isso se dá, especialmente para os vestidos! Assim, não tire 🍇 o foco do vestido da noiva, ok?
Traje Esporte Fino Feminino para Festas de Quinze Anos
As festas de aniversário de 15 🍇 anos são um grande momento na vida das meninas.
Simbolicamente, o momento marca a apresentação da adolescente à sociedade.
Para a família, 🍇 significa ver cassino bac bo garotinha crescendo.
Para a aniversariante, uma importante fase da vida.
Se você foi convidada para esse momento tão especial 🍇 na vida destas pessoas, sinta-se privilegiada! Assim, transmita toda a emoção em um look à altura do evento.
Essas festas são 🍇 bem joviais, claro.
Grande parte dos amigos da debutante estão também na adolescência.
Nesse caso, o Traje Passeio é bem adequado, podendo 🍇 até a ser mais casual e descontraído.
Quer ver como?Festas noturnas
Para festas noturnas, também valem as dicas dadas para casamento: invista 🍇 em peças com brilho e uma pitada de ousadia.
Mas, não se esqueça que esse é um evento com certa formalidade.
Por 🍇 isso, não abuse dos decotes e modelagens muito justas.
Festas de dia
Porém, se o aniversário de 15 anos for comemorado durante 🍇 o dia, pense em looks leves e frecos.
Aposte em vestidos e macacões para uma produção "arrumadinha", mas sem excessos.
Os comprimentos 🍇 menores também se encaixam bem para este momento.
Evite tecidos muito pesados e cores escuras, a fim de não carregar o 🍇 visual.
Pense, ainda, que essas festas tendem a ser bem agitada, com músicas e danças para agitar os convidados.
Dessa forma, priorize 🍇 peças que permitam seus movimentos para a festança.
E, de um modo geral, monte produções com bastante elegância e sotisficação, mas 🍇 mantendo o clima jovial e fresh da festa.
Traje Esporte Fino Feminino para Formatura
Outro grande momento em que o Traje Esporte 🍇 Fino Feminino se adequa perfeitamente é a formatura.
Seja do Ensino Fundamental, Médio ou Gradução, essa é uma ocasião muito importante 🍇 e especial para o formando, familiares e amigos.
Para celebrar a conquista de uma pessoa querida, invista em roupas, calçados e 🍇 acessórios que reflitam a formalidade uma colação de grau.
Looks para Formatura
Para isso, vestidos mídi e longos podem ser uma aposta 🍇 interessante.
Modelos com modelagens mais amplas e tecidos encorpados podem dar o toque de sofisticação para o look.
A sobreposição de um 🍇 blazer ou casaquinho "mais arrumado" conferem outro nível de elegância à produção.
Se quiser elevar ainda mais a formalidade, monte ternos 🍇 com calças sociais do mesmo material do blazer.
Aposte em blusas e camisas sociais e o visual está completo para a 🍇 formatura.
Caso tenha alguma festa após a colação de grau e você queira ir de uma maneira menos formal, você pode 🍇 apostar em colocar uma peça mais "a cara de festa" e, por sobre ela, um sobretudo ou paletó.
Ao chegar a 🍇 parte festiva, retire a peça sobreposta e aproveito o momento com mais liberdade.
Traje Esporte Fino Feminino Plus Size
As mulheres que 🍇 vestem tamanhos maiores também podem se vestir de maneira elegante para festas e ocasiões especiais.
Assim, o Traje Esporte Fino Feminino 🍇 Plus Size é uma ótima alternativa para as gordinhas se vestirem com sofisticação.
Como falamos neste post recheado de dicas e 🍇 informações para Moda Plus Size, não é o tamanho das peças que deve definir seu estilo.
Apesar de, até recentemente, os 🍇 modelos grandes serem sinônimo de roupas ultrapassadas, hoje, a Moda já consegue atender melhor a esse público.
Assim, vestidos, calças, blusas 🍇 e saias acima do 46 também são confeccionados pensando em mulheres jovens, estilosas e de bom gosto.
E isso, claro, reflete-se 🍇 no vestuário para ocasiões especiais, como casamentos, festas de 15 anos e formaturas, por exemplo.
Roupas para Casamento Plus Size
Assim como 🍇 as dicas que já demos, acima, opte por vestidos, calças, saias e blusas em materiais e modelagens mais nobres.
Vista-se com 🍇 elegância, mas deixe os holofotes voltarem-se para os noivos.
Por isso, evite peças que chamem muito a atenção.
Roupas para Festa de 🍇 15 anos Plus Size
Convidadas para festas de 15 anos, seguindo um Traje Esporte Fino (ou Passeio), podem se vestir com 🍇 mais leveza, já que trata-se de uma evento bem jovial.
Dê frescor ao look, com peças de comprimento menor.
Esbanje beleza em 🍇 produções com macacão!
Roupas para Formatura Plus Size
Esse é um evento que, no geral, tende a ser mais formal.
Para cerimônia de 🍇 colação de grau, dessa forma, pense em roupas mais sérias e sociais.
Caso haja alguma comemoração após a formatura, elabore looks 🍇 com peças mais despojadas e arremate com sobreposições, como o blazer, para dar o ar elegante à composição.
Depois, é só 🍇 tirar a peça de cima e aproveitar a festa!
Enfim, vimos até aqui os principais trajes escolhidos pelos anfitriões de festa.
Dentre 🍇 os 4, o Traje Passeio (ou Esporte Fino) é o 2º mais casual.
Isso não quer dizer, claro, que sejam escolhas 🍇 mal-pensadas de roupas.
O Traje Esporte Fino Feminino requer um look mais "arrumadinho", com peças de roupas, calçados e acessórios bem 🍇 harmônicas.
Além disso, materiais e modelagens mais refinadas e nobres são elemento-chave para garantir uma boa produção.
Depois de toda a teoria, 🍇 vimos na prática como montar looks para casamento – de dia e de noite -, festas de quinze anos – 🍇 também diurnas e noturnas – e para formatura.
Finalizamos com chave de ouro ao apresentar produções plus size em Traje Esporte 🍇 Fino, também com inspirações para as ocasiões mencionadas anteriormente.
E então, conseguiu esclarecer o que é o Traje Passeio – ou 🍇 Esporte Fino? Já sabe o que vestir na próxima festa para a qual for convidada? Esperamos que sim! Mas, caso 🍇 ainda restem dúvidas, é só entrar em contato, comentando por aqui! Queremos ouvir vocês 🙂
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Brazilian professional football clubSoccer club
Cruzeiro Esporte Clube (Brazilian Portuguese: [kɾuˈzejɾu esˈpoʁtʃi ˈklubi]), known simply as Cruzeiro, is a Brazilian sports 😄 club based in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais.
Although competing in a number of different sports, Cruzeiro is mostly known for its 😄 association football team.
Its football team is the most prestigious team in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais.
It plays in the Campeonato Brasileiro 😄 Série A, the top tier of the Brazilian football league system, as well as in the Campeonato Mineiro, the state 😄 of Minas Gerais's premier state league.
The club was founded on 2 January 1921, by sportsmen from the Italian colony of 😄 Belo Horizonte as Palestra Itália.
As a result of the Second World War, the Brazilian federal government banned the use of 😄 any symbols referring to the Axis powers in 1942.
The club board members rebaptized the club with the name of a 😄 leading national symbol: the Cruzeiro do Sul's constellation.
Cruzeiro play their home games at the Mineirão stadium, which currently holds up 😄 to 62,547 spectators.
Cruzeiro's regular kit colors are blue shirts and white shorts with white socks.
Cruzeiro is one of Brazil's most 😄 successful clubs.
It won the Campeonato Brasileiro Série A for the first time in 1966, after defeating Santos' Os Santásticos in 😄 the final series.
[2] Cruzeiro has won the Brasileirão again in 2003, 2013 and 2014, obtaining the best campaign in the 😄 present format of the competition.
Cruzeiro has also won record six Copa do Brasil titles and the Campeonato Mineiro 39 times.
Cruzeiro 😄 won the defunct state competitions Taça Minas Gerais five times, the Copa dos Campeões Mineiros twice, Copa Sul Minas twice, 😄 the Torneio Início 10 times and the Supercampeonato Mineiro once.
A Raposa also obtained many international laurels such as two Copa 😄 Libertadores, two Supercopa Libertadores, one Recopa Sudamericana, one Copa de Oro and one Copa Master de Supercopa.
Cruzeiro is one of 😄 the two Brazilian clubs to complete the Domestic Treble, a feat accomplished in 2003 after winning the Campeonato Mineiro, the 😄 2003 Copa do Brasil and the 2003 Brasileirão.
Cruzeiro hold a long-standing rivalry against Atlético Mineiro.
It has contributed many key and 😄 famous players towards Brazil's FIFA World Cup squads such as Piazza, Tostão, Nelinho, Ronaldo, Luisão, Alex, Maicon, Cris, Jairzinho, Rivaldo 😄 and Edílson among so many others.
History [ edit ]
Cruzeiro's history is traced back to the Italian community living in Belo 😄 Horizonte, a city where already some Italian immigrants lived[3] and their desire to set up a football club.
Similar to the 😄 Italians of São Paulo (who founded Palestra Itália, now known as Palmeiras) the people of Belo Horizonte wanted the Italian 😄 colonies in Minas Gerais to have its own club as well.
In the sporting goods and footwear Augustine Ranieri's factory, located 😄 on the street of Caetés, it was decided the foundation of the club should tackle the three major capital: Atlético 😄 Mineiro, America-MG and Yale.
Was born at that moment, the Società Sportiva Palestra Italia, established on 2 January 1921.[4]
The meeting was 😄 attended by 95 founders present the shield and uniform that made reference to the Italian colors, and whose SSPI description 😄 would be recorded in the center shell.
Another decision was that only members of the Italian colony could wear the shirt.
Aurelio 😄 Noce was elected the first President.[4]
The Palestra Italia emerged as the representative of the Italian colony.
And is characterized as a 😄 team of Italian descent, Palestra also stood out by having elements of the Belo Horizonte working class, unlike Atlético and 😄 América, who had their consisting squad of college students coming from influential and wealthy families of the city.[4]
A Cruzeiro squad 😄 before playing a game v.Flamengo in 1923
The idea of the club being created took a big step when Yale, a 😄 sports team from the city, went through an administrative crisis.
When some players left Yale over a dispute (Yale, which itself 😄 had connections to the Italian community), some went on to found the all Italian, Sociedade Esportiva Palestra Itália of Belo 😄 Horizonte.
[5][6] Until 1925 the club would only allow Italian men to participate, despite other teams in the nation accepting people 😄 of all skin colors and ethnicities.[7]
Palestra debuted in the Prado Mineiro Stadium with a 2–0 win in a friendly on 😄 3 April 1921, against a combination from Nova Lima.
The Nova Lima team united players from two teams from the city: 😄 Villa Nova, and Palmeiras, another team form Nova Lima.
[8] However, the first official match of Palestra was in a 3–0 😄 win over future archrivals Clube Atlético Mineiro.
[9][10] In January 1942, Brazil entered World War II[11] and a decree of the 😄 federal government forbade the use of terms from enemy nations in entities, institutions, establishments, etc.
With this, the Italian name was 😄 removed and the club could no longer call themselves Palestra Italia.
The name was changed to Sociedade Esportiva Palestra Mineiro.
Around six 😄 months later, the president Ennes Cyro Poni called a general assembly for 7 October and suggested the name Ypiranga.
Between 3 😄 and 7 October, the local media published the new name thinking it would be approved.
In assembly, the counselors and associates 😄 kept professional system and approved changing club's name and colors.
Yale and Ypiranga were suggested, but Cruzeiro Esporte Clube was chosen 😄 to honor the biggest symbol of Brazil, the constellation of Crux.
The idea was from Oswaldo Pinto Coelho.
However, the club kept 😄 playing as "Palestra Mineiro" until 1943, when the local Federation approved the new statutes.
[12] The approved colors were blue and 😄 white, chosen as a compromise to appease the Italian factions within the club management, as it was both representative of 😄 the Brazilian flag and the Italian football national team (blue is the color of House of Savoy, who ruled Italy 😄 from 1861 to 1946).[13]
With the inauguration of the Mineirão in 1965, Cruzeiro entered one of the most successful periods in 😄 its history, in which the club won five Campeonato Mineiro titles in a row, and went on to win its 😄 first national title, the 1966 Taça Brasil (the highest honor in Brazilian football at that time) beating Santos of Pelé 😄 in the final.
Cruzeiro won the first leg 6–2 at the Mineirão, and the second leg 3–2 in São Paulo.
[14][15] In 😄 the 1974 Campeonato Brasileiro Série A Cruzeiro were runner-up for the first time, after losing to Vasco in the finals.
Later 😄 in 1975, Cruzeiro were runner-up in the Campeonato Brasileiro again, this time losing to Internacional.
In 1976, Cruzeiro won its first 😄 Copa Libertadores de América, over River Plate of Argentina.
Cruzeiro went on to be runners-up of the same competition in 1977, 😄 being defeated in the finals by Boca Juniors, also of Argentina.
After winning the 1976 Copa Libertadores, they participated in the 😄 1976 Intercontinental Cup, now renamed the FIFA Club World Championship, for the first time and tied Bayern Munich 0–0 at 😄 the Mineirão, but lost 2–0 to Bayern in the Olympiastadion.[14][15]
After tasting success in the 1960s and 1970s, Cruzeiro entered a 😄 dark period in the 1980s.
With the exception of a couple of Campeonato Mineiro wins, the club won no other championships 😄 in the 1980s, and had its worst performances in the Campeonato Brasileiro, 33rd in 1984 and 29th in 1985.
[16] The 😄 1980s was the only decade Cruzeiro did not participate once in the Copa Libertadores since the tournament's creation in 1960.
[17] 😄 The club were invited to Europe in 1988 by Scottish side Celtic to play a friendly as part of the 😄 Glasgow club's centenary celebrations.[18]
In the 1990s a new era began, and a 15-year sequence of at least one title per 😄 year was initiated.
This included six of the club's seven international championships and a Campeonato Brasileiro (2003).
In December 2010 the CBF 😄 (the governing body of Brazilian football) also recognized Cruzeiro as Brazilian champion of 1966, for having beaten Santos of Pelé: 😄 6–2 in Belo Horizonte and 2–3 in São Paulo.
[14][15][19] The club's biggest exploit in the 21st century happened when it 😄 won the Campeonato Brasileiro Série A.
With 100 points earned during the season, and just over 100 goals scored in 46 😄 matches, it was one of the most successful campaigns ever by a club in a Brazilian championship.
In 2003, besides winning 😄 the Campeonato Brasileiro Série A, Cruzeiro also won the Copa do Brasil and the Campeonato Mineiro, to become the only 😄 Brazilian team to win the triple crown.[14][15][19][20]
From 2003 to 2012 Cruzeiro have only won one major tournament (four times): the 😄 Campeonato Mineiro (2004, 2006, 2008, 2009).
However, the club finished in the top five of the Campeonato Brasileiro in 2007, 2008, 😄 2009 and 2010, guaranteeing a spot in the Copa Libertadores for four consecutive years (2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011).
In 2010, 😄 after a great campaign in the Campeonato Brasileiro Serie A, Cruzeiro took the second place and qualified for the Copa 😄 Libertadores da America for 2011.
Cruzeiro's biggest success in recent years was reaching the finals of the 2009 Copa Libertadores, but 😄 they lost to Estudiantes de La Plata 2–1.
[21] After a disastrous 2011 season, escaping relegation only in the last round 😄 after a triumphant 6–1[22] against arch-rival Atlético, Gilvan Tavares became president for the 2012-2013-2014 triennium.
2012 was slightly better than 2011, 😄 but still Cruzeiro won no titles.
In 2013 Cruzeiro lost Campeonato Mineiro again, despite displaying a good game against smaller clubs.
Copa 😄 do Brasil started promising but Cruzeiro was knocked out by future champion Flamengo in the quarterfinals.
After the elimination Cruzeiro went 😄 all in to Campeonato Brasileiro and was crowned champion for the third time, this time four rounds before the championship 😄 ended, playing an offensive and intense game that led many, including press[23] and runners-up,[24] to attribute the title many rounds 😄 before the mathematical confirmation.
Cruzeiro's 2014 season was even more successful.
It started with Cruzeiro winning the Campeonato Mineiro without losing a 😄 single match in the whole competition.
In the Copa Libertadores da America, Cruzeiro was knocked out, in the quarter finals, by 😄 future champion San Lorenzo de Almagro, being the last remaining Brazilian team in the competition.
This loss did not prevent Cruzeiro 😄 to lead the Campeonato Brasileiro for almost the whole competition, being crowned champion for the fourth time and becoming the 😄 second team not from Rio de Janeiro nor Sao Paulo to win the Campeonato Brasileiro twice in a row.
Cruzeiro also 😄 got to the final of the Copa do Brasil, but lost both matches to rival Atlético Mineiro.
Symbols [ edit ]Colors 😄 [ edit ]
Cruzeiro's first crest, 1921
When Cruzeiro was still known as Palestra Italia, the home shirt colour was green.
The first 😄 home kit was an improvised dark green shirt, with white shorts and green stockings.
Cruzeiro used this kit in their first 😄 professional game on 3 April 1921, in the Prado Mineiro Stadium, with a 2–0 win over the Villa Nova/Palmeiras combined 😄 team, of Nova Lima.
[25] In 1928 the shirt became a lighter tone of green, with a white neck design and 😄 red cuffs.
The shorts continued to be white, but the green stockings now had red and white details, similar to that 😄 of the Italian flag.
This particular uniform was used up until 1940.
The light green color of the shirt would later give 😄 the team the nickname "periquito", Portuguese for parakeet.
[25] In 1940 there was a big change to the shirt.
The shirt began 😄 to feature horizontal stripes, with the club crest in the center.
This was the shirt used to win the 1940 Campeonato 😄 da Cidade – now known as the Campeonto Mineiro – after the club had been unable to win the tournament 😄 for ten years.
The club also began to be called "tricolor" instead of "periquito".[25]
In 1942 Cruzeiro played one game under the 😄 name Ypiranga, and for this game a blue shirt with a central horizontal stripe was used.
[25] In 1943 Cruzeiro played 😄 its first game under its current name.
The shirt used then was an all blue shirt with a large white v-neck 😄 (scapular) design.
The shorts and stockings were white.
In 1950, due to bad stadium lighting, Cruzeiro began to use an all-white shirt 😄 during night games.
The shirt, which featured blue details and blue shorts and white stockings, was used for nine years.
[25] In 😄 1956, Cruzeiro used, for a short while, a new shirt that was made up of white and blue horizontal stripes.
The 😄 uniform was not used in many games.
[25] There was a change to the shirt in 1959; the shirt became all 😄 blue, a design that would influence later shirts.
In the 1959 shirt, instead of using its normal crest Cruzeiro simply used 😄 the five stars, in the crest, loose on the shirt.
The shirt made its debut in the Estádio dos Tecelões, in 😄 a friendly match against Renascença, on 19 September.[25]
In 1984 Cruzeiro had the first ever company logo on its shirt; it 😄 was the shirt manufacturer's logo, which was Topper.
[25] In the same year Cruzeiro had its first shirt sponsor, Medradao.
Medradao was 😄 only used on the away shirts[25]Crest [ edit ]
The Southern Cross or Crux, is common on a number of other 😄 flags and insignia.
The first Palestra Itália crest was a rhombus whose top half was red and bottom half was green 😄 (both colors of the Italian flag).
In the center of the crest was a white circle with the letters P and 😄 I inside it.
[26] The following year, 1922, the club's crest maintained its rhombus shape, but was now completely white, with 😄 the letter P, S and I, inscribed within it in green.
[26] In 1923, the crest lost its rhombus shape and 😄 instead just had the green letters S, P and I.
[26] From 1928 to 1939 the crest was identical to the 😄 first crest in 1921.
Just one year later the crest became a little different: the top half was green and the 😄 bottom half was red, similar to the crests from 1921 and 1929–1939, but instead of green letters in its center, 😄 it now had the letters S, P and I in yellow.
[26]Cruzeiro fansSymbol 1956
The crest introduced in 1940 would be the 😄 last for Palestra, because the club would soon become Cruzeiro.
[26] Cruzeiro's first crest was introduced in 1950 and was very 😄 simple: a blue circle, with a white border, inside of which were five white stars, positioned to look like the 😄 Southern Cross.
This first crest was used for over nine years, until 1959.
[26] In 1959 the crest changed, now with a 😄 white border around the crest with the words "-CRUZEIRO ESPORTE CLUBE-BELO HORIZONTE" in blue.
This version of the crest was used 😄 until 1996, making it the longest-used crest by Cruzeiro.
[26] In the same year, Cruzeiro removed BELO HORIZONTE from the crest; 😄 this format was used until 2005.
[26] In 2006 to honor its successful 2003 season, a crown was added on top 😄 of the crest, to symbolize the triple crown.[26]
Cruzeiro has not always used its official crest on its shirt.
In 1959, instead 😄 of using its crest, the club opted to simply put the five stars from the Southern Cross on its shirt.
[26] 😄 This was done until 2000, when the actual crest was again used.
[26] In 2002 and in part of 2003 the 😄 loose stars were used.
Part way through 2003 a new shirt that contained the actual crest was introduced, but instead of 😄 just using the regular crest the shirt featured two Copa Libertadores trophies on top of the crest.
In 2004 a similar 😄 design was used, but now featured a crown, symbolic of the Triple Crown on top of the two trophies.
[26] Since 😄 2007 the club has used the "loose stars" design on home shirts.
[26] None of these designs actually became the official 😄 club crest.
Anthem [ edit ]
The club's anthem, Hino ao Campeão, was written by Jadir Ambrósio in 1966, in homage to 😄 the team of his heart.
He never meant for it to become the official anthem, but when fans started hearing it 😄 they liked it enough to adapt it as the new anthem.
Mascot [ edit ]
Cartoonist Fernando Pieruccetti, more popularly known as 😄 "Mangabeira", created the club's mascot, a raposa (Portuguese for fox) in the 1940s, as he did for other football clubs 😄 from Minas Gerais state league.
[27] Mangabeira took inspiration from the club's ex-president, Mario Grosso.
"He was a director who let no 😄 one trick him.
He was sly, agile, intelligent and skillful like a fox.
"[28][29] In the 2000s, Cruzeiro has made the Raposão 😄 (Big Fox) its biggest mascot, appearing at all home games and cheering with the crowd while wearing the club's colors.
In 😄 2010, Raposão won Rede Globo's Competição de Mascotes (Mascot Competition), held in their Sunday sports show Esporte Espetacular.
The program united 😄 20 mascots from the biggest Brazilian teams and had them competing in series of challenges.
Raposão won all of the events 😄 and was crowned as Brazil's Best Mascot.
In 2012, Cruzeiro introduced a "junior mascot", named "Raposinho" (Little Fox), a smaller version 😄 of "Raposão".
Presidents [ edit ]
Aurélio Noce – 1921–22
Alberto Noce – 1923–24
Américo Gasparini – 1925–26, 1928
Antonio Falci – 1927, 1929–30
Braz Pelegrino 😄 – 1927–28
Lidio Lunardi – 1931–32
José Viana de Souza – 1933
Miguel Perrela – 1933–36
Romeo de Paoli – 1936
Osvaldo Pinto Coelho – 😄 1936–40
Ennes Cyro Poni – 1941–42João Fantoni – 1942
Wilson Saliba – 1942
Mario Torneli – 1942
Mário Grosso – 1942–47
Fernando Tamietti – 1947, 😄 1950
Antônio Cunha Lobo – 1947–49
Antônio Alves Simões – 1949Manoel F.
Campos – 1950Divino Ramos – 1951
José Greco – 1952–53, 1955
Wellington Armanelli 😄 – 1954
José Francisco Lemos Filho – 1954Eduardo S.Bambirra – 1955–56Manoel A.
de Carvalho – 1957–58
Antonio Braz Lopes Pontes – 1959–60
Felicio Brandi 😄 – 1961–82
Carmine Furletti – 1983–84
Benito Masci – 1985–90
Salvador Masci – 1990
César Masci – 1991–94
Zezé Perrella – 1995–2002
Alvimar de Oliveira Costa 😄 – 2003–08
Zezé Perrella – 2009–11
Gilvan Tavares – 2012–17
Wagner Pires de Sá – 2018–19
José Dalai Rocha – 2019–20
Sérgio Santos Rodrigues – 😄 2020–
Current squad [ edit ]
As of 17 August 2023 [30]
Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules.
Players 😄 may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Youth players [ edit ]
Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility 😄 rules.
Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Other players [ edit ]
Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA 😄 eligibility rules.
Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
Out on loan [ edit ]
Note: Flags indicate national team as defined 😄 under FIFA eligibility rules.
Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.
First-team staff [ edit ]
Position Name Nationality Head coach Pepa 😄 POR Assistant coach Hugo Silva POR Samuel Correia POR Goalkeeping coach Rogério Lima BRA Fitness coaches Leonardo Almeida BRA Pedro 😄 Oliveira POR Rodrigo Saar BRA Túlio Flôres BRA Performance analyst André Batista BRA Pedro Azevedo POR Victor Flores BRA
Notable players 😄 [ edit ]
Former coaches [ edit ]
Records and statistics [ edit ]
Most appearances [ edit ]
Roberto Perfumo, with 138 matches, 😄 was the non-Brazilian with the most appearances for the club, this was recently changed however as Ariel Cabral was awarded 😄 this record with 200 appearances for the club.[31]
The player with the most appearances for Cruzeiro is Fábio with a stunning 😄 record of 800 appearances, having been with the team since 2005, beating former midfielder Zé Carlos, with 619 appearances, between 😄 1965 and 1977.
[31] In third place on that list is 1971's Bola de Ouro Winner, "The Prince" Dirceu Lopes, while 😄 the fourth place belongs to former Brazilian international and 1970 FIFA World Cup champion Wilson Piazza.
The fifth overall player, and 😄 second goalkeeper with the most appearances for Cruzeiro is the notorious Raul Plassman, who played a total of 557 games 😄 with the team.
The non-Brazilian with the most appearances for the club is the Argentine Roberto Perfumo who made 138 appearances 😄 for the club between 1971 and 1974.[31]
Top goalscorers [ edit ]
Brazilian hall-of-famer and 1970 FIFA World Cup winner Tostão has 😄 scored the most goals for Cruzeiro, 249 between 1963 and 1972, having appeared on 378 matches for Cruzeiro (12th overall).
He 😄 beats Dirceu Lopes by 25 goals on that list, which also has old-timer Niginho (207 goals) closing the top 3, 😄 being the only ones with over 200 goals for Cruzeiro.
Ninão holds the record for goals scored in a single match: 😄 10 in Cruzeiro's 14–0 win over Alves Nogueira during Campeonato da Cidade on 17 June 1928.
[32] Nelinho holds the record 😄 for most goals scored from penalties: 38; and the record for goals scored from fouls: 42.
Walter Montillo's 39 goals make 😄 him the non-Brazilian with the most goals for Cruzeiro, a record that would belong to Bolivia national football team vice-captain 😄 and striker Marcelo Moreno with 48 goals or Spanish 1930's striker Fernando Carazo, with 44 goals, had they not become 😄 Brazilian nationals.
[32]Honours [ edit ]
Continental [ edit ]National [ edit ]Regional [ edit ]State [ edit ]City [ edit ]
Copa 😄 Belo Horizonte (1): 1960[34]
Trebles and doubles [ edit ]
Trebles – Domestic Triple Crown
State, Cup and League: 2003¹[35]
Doubles – Domestic Double
State 😄 and League: 1966 State and Cup: 1996 State and League: 2014 State and Cup: 2018
– Continental Double
State and Supercopa Sudamericana: 😄 1992 State and Copa Libertadores: 1997
Other featured campaigns [ edit ]
– Intercontinental Cup
Runners-up (2): 1976, 1997
– Copa Libertadores de América:
Runners-up 😄 (2): 1977, 2009 Third place (2): 1967, 1975
– Campeonato Brasileiro Série A:
Runners-up (5): 1969, 1974, 1975, 1998, 2010 Third place 😄 (5): 1973, 1989, 1995, 2000, 2008 Fourth place (2): 1968, 2009– Copa do Brasil
Runners-up (2): 1998, 2014 Semi-finalist (1): 2005, 😄 2016
– Supercopa Sudamericana:
Runners-up (2): 1988 and 1996
– Supercopa Masters:
Runners-up (1): 1992
– Campeonato Mineiro:
Grounds and facilities [ edit ]
Cruzeiro's first stadium 😄 was the Estádio do Prado Mineiro, which belonged to the Federação Mineira de Futebol (FMF).
[36] The club's first game at 😄 the stadium was 2–0 win over a Villa Nova/Palmeiras combine team from Nova Lima on 3 April 1921.
[36][37] Cruzeiro would 😄 use the stadium until 1923 when the club built its own stadium, Estádio do Barro Preto.
[37][38] On 23 July 1923, 😄 Cruzeiro debuted at the stadium in a 2–2 tie with Flamengo.
[37][38] In 1945, the stadium went through renovations and would 😄 become at that time the largest stadium in the state with a capacity of 15,000 and later on would become 😄 known as Estádio Juscelino Kubitscheck (or Estádio JK).
[37][38] Cruzeiro would use the stadium until 1965, when the Mineirão was opened.
In 😄 1983, the stadium was torn down and one of the club's social clubs (Sede Campestre) was built there.[37][39]
Since 1965, Cruzeiro 😄 play their home games at Estádio Governador Magalhães Pinto, often referred to as just Mineirão in Belo Horizonte, MG.
[40] Cruzeiro 😄 shares the stadium with rivals Atlético Mineiro.
[41] The stadium does not belong to Cruzeiro, rather it belongs to the state 😄 of Minas Gerais (through a land grant from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais) and is administrated by Minas Arena, 😄 a private company, on lease from the state since 2013.
The stadium, which was built in 1963, had an original capacity 😄 of about 130,000,[40][41] but over the years that capacity has been reduced, and currently it seats 64,800.
Named after former Minas 😄 Gerais governor José de Magalhães Pinto, it took over 4,000 workers to build the stadium.
[41] The period after the stadium's 😄 inauguration is often called Era Mineirão ("Mineirão Era"), which saw Cruzeiro gain national and international prominence.
[42][43] Cruzeiro also holds the 😄 attendance record at the stadium, when 132,834 spectators watched Cruzeiro beat Villa Nova in the 1997 Campeonato Mineiro final.[44]
Cruzeiro have 😄 had plans to build a new stadium, especially under president Alvimar de Oliveira Costa's tenure.
[45][46][47][48] However, the state of Minas 😄 asked Cruzeiro to stay at the stadium,[49] and after president Zezé Perrella came to the presidency in 2009, plans for 😄 a new stadium virtually disappeared.[50]
The Mineirão was selected as a host stadium for the 2014 FIFA World Cup,[51] with renovations 😄 beginning on 25 June 2010, and projected to be completed by December 2012.
[52] After the stadiums closing, Cruzeiro began playing 😄 home games at the Arena do Jacaré and Ipatingão stadiums, both outside the city of Belo Horizonte.
[53] Independência stadium is 😄 also being renovated and Cruzeiro will start playing homes games there in 2011 until the Mineirão is ready in 2012.[54]
The 😄 club has private ownership of other facilities though, including two training facilities (Toca da Raposa I, which serves the youth 😄 division and Toca da Raposa II for the senior squad),[40][55][56] an administrative headquarters[57] and two social club facilities.
[58][59] Cruzeiro has 😄 often been praised for having one of the leading infrastructure systems in Brazil.[40]
Administration and finances [ edit ]
Cruzeiro used to 😄 be a nonprofit organization, where the real owner are sócios (literally, "partners") or members (who pay an annual fee), in 😄 return, sócios receive benefits from the club, such as access to club's properties and tickets, as well as a right 😄 to vote for the next club officials.
[60] This bylaw lasted from the club's foundation in 1921 until late 2021, when 😄 Wagner Pires de Sá's run as club president led to the club to declare bankruptcy.
Wagner Pires de Sá's run as 😄 club president was filled with corruption.
[61] This led Cruzeiro to stop paying its players, leading to the club's first relegation 😄 in 2019.
Over the next two years, Cruzeiro played the second division while still under the sócios program.
This changed in December 😄 2021, when the former footballer Ronaldo, who started his professional career in Cruzeiro, announced he would be the owner of 😄 Cruzeiro's football department.
[62]See also [ edit ]Notes [ edit ]
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