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Poker Hands Rankings: What Hand Beats What in Poker?
One of the first steps towards
learning how to play poker is to learn the poker hand rankings. If you want to know
what beats what in poker, you can use our OFFICIAL poker hands rankings chart and see
all poker hands ranked from best to worst!
Poker Hands in Order Best To Worst
Hands From Best To Worst 1. Royal Flush 10♠ J♠ Q♠ K♠ A♠ The best possible hand in Texas
hold'em is the combination of ten, jack, queen, king, ace, all of the same suit 2.
Straight Flush 5♥ 6♥ 7♥ 8♥ 9♥ Five cards of the same suit in sequential order 3. Four
of a kind 3♣ 3♠ 3♦ 3♥ 4♦ Any four numerically matching cards 4. Full house J♠ J♥ J♣ K♣
K♦ Combination of three of a kind and a pair in the same hand 5. Flush 2♦ 4♦ 5♦ 9♦ K♦
Five cards of the same suit, in any order 6. Straight A♦ 2♣ 3♦ 4♠ 5♣ Five cards of any
suit, in sequential order 7. Three of a kind 7♣ 7♦ 7♠ 4♣ 5♦ Any three numerically
matching cards 8. Two pair 9♦ 9♠ K♦ K♥ 4♣ Two different pairs in the same hand 9. One
pair 10♦ 10♠ 3♠ Q♦ K♣ Any two numerically matching cards 10. High card K♣ 2♥ 4♦ 8♦ Q♠
The highest ranked card in your hand with an ace being the highest and two being the
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From a royal flush
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Beats What in Poker?
Many consider poker less of a gambling game than other casino
games. For that to be true, players need to improve their understanding of game play
and the strategy required to be a winning player.
The first step toward learning how to
play poker is to learn the poker hand rankings.
Most poker players have these rankings
memorized, which allows them to think about other things at the table when deciding the
best way to play their hands.
The good news is these hand rankings tend to be the same
among a wide variety of poker variants, whether it is Texas Hold'em, Omaha, seven-card
stud, or other games.
All of those games use the same traditional poker hand rankings
that were first developed way back in the 19th century when five-card draw first
started to be played.
On this page, you find a complete list of poker hand rankings
going from the highest possible hand (the Royal Flush), down to the lowest hand in
which there is no pair among the five cards.
Hand rankings in poker correspond to the
likelihood of making such hands.
A royal flush, consisting of the cards ranked ace
through ten all being the same suit, is extremely rare — in fact, some players go their
entire lives without making a royal flush.
A regular straight flush with any five
consecutive cards of the same suit is a little less rare, four of a kind occurs
slightly more frequently, and so on.
Notice that a full house is ranked higher than a
That's because a full house comes just a little less frequently than a flush,
thereby making it the higher-ranked hand of the two.
Additional readings for beginners:
Poker Tips : A collection of tips " to bring your game from 'meh' to amazing " created
to help beginners become better players.
: A collection of tips " " created to help
beginners become better players. Texas Hold'em Strategy: a complete manual to read as
soon as you start to remember what beats what in poker.
a complete manual to read as
soon as you start to remember what beats what in poker. Poker starting hands chart: the
only article you need to read to learn how to use your cards to the
Understanding Winning Poker Hands
Players new to the game of Texas hold'em
often struggle, at least at first, with what the best poker hands are.
Once they have
read this easy-to-digest guide that will no longer be the case.
The aim of Texas
hold'em is to make the best five-card poker hand at showdown.
You can win without
having to show your cards if you force someone to fold before the river. Nonetheless,
for the purpose of this article, we'll pretend that we've gone to showdown and need to
know what beats what in poker.
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Understand the Texas Holdem Poker Rules with the 1-page handout and join the other
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Poker Hands: What Are The Best Hands In Poker?
First up is the weakest possible holding
you can make in poker, a hand that can still win you the pot, although the likelihood
of that happening decreases in a pot involving multiple players.
We are of course
talking about high card.
As the name suggests, you don't even hold a pair here and
instead are using the highest card among the five you are playing.
Example: You have
Q♥10♠ and the board has come 7♣6♣2♥9♦5♣. Your best five-card hand would be Q♥10♠9♦6♣5♣
where you would hold queen-high.
Next up is one pair, one of the more common Texas
hold'em hands and one that will win you plenty of pots.
Example: You have A♠K♠ and the
board comes A♦8♣5♠3♥2♣. Your five-card hand is A♠A♦K♠8♣5♠ — you have a pair of aces.
Nice poker hand!
One place higher up on the poker hands chart is two pair.
Example: You
have 10♦9♠ and the five community cards are 10♣9♦5♣A♦3♣. Your best five-card hand at
showdown is 10♦10♣9♠9♦A♦ or two pair, tens and nines.
One note of warning on this
specific poker hand: if you are verbally declaring your hand, try to announce the
higher pair first as to help avoid confusion.
Good Poker Hands
Now we're getting into
the realm of the best poker hands because once you make three-of-a-kind (sometimes
called a set or trips), you are much more likely to win the pot than with any of the
previously mentioned hands.
Example: Your five-card poker hand is K♣K♦K♥J♣7♦ — you have
three-of-a-kind kings, often a very powerful hand in hold'em.
To beat three-of-a-kind
you're going to need at least a straight.
A straight is five consecutive cards where at
least one of them is a different suit from the others.
Should your hand read
6♠5♣4♦3♥2♠ you would hold a six-high straight.
If someone held a seven-high straight,
then that player would win the hand.
There are two straights that have nicknames that
are worth remembering.
A wheel is a straight that runs from ace-to-five, and a Broadway
straight — the strongest straight — runs from ten-to-ace.
A flush is one of the most
powerful Texas hold'em hands because it is only beaten by a handful of others.
Any hand
that that has five cards of the same suit is a flush.
Aces are always high when it
comes to flushes, which means a hand such as A♥Q♥7♥4♥2♥ beats K♥Q♥7♥4♥2♥.
There are few
hands that can beat a flush — one that does is a full house. Also called a "boat," a
full house is when your five-card hand is made up of three of a kind plus a
Example: With K♠K♦K♣2♥2♣ you have kings full of deuces, while 5♣5♦5♥Q♠Q♥ is fives
full of queens.
When it comes to full houses, the higher three of a kind determines
which hand wins, so in this case "kings full" would beat "fives full."
The Stronger
Hands in Poker
The next three holdings are so rare that if you hold them, you can
almost guarantee that they are winning poker hands.
Four of a kind is the minimum
holding you'll need to beat someone with a full house.
Again, as the name suggests,
four of a kind means having four cards of the same rank.
Example: 10♠10♦10♥10♣7♦ is
four-of-a-kind tens and an extremely powerful holding.
Your only way to beat four of a
kind, or "quads" as they are often called, is to hold either a straight flush or a
Royal Flush.
The former is five consecutive cards all of the same suit, so 8♣7♣6♣5♣4♣
would be an eight-high straight flush and practically unbeatable.
If you manage to make
A♥K♥Q♥10♥J♥ (or the same holding in any of the other three suits), you have a Royal
Flush and the only way to lose the hand would be to fold by accident!
Poker Hands
If you are into numbers (most poker players are), you might be wondering
about the probability of poker hands.
We said that some players might go their entire
life without ever getting the highest hand in poker but, looking at the numbers, what
are the odds of a Royal Flush?
In this section of our complete analysis of the poker
hand ranking and what beats what in poker, you get a clear overview of the probability
of poker hands.
How to calculate the probability of poker hands?
When you know that
there are 52 cards in play and 2,598,960 possible combinations, the calculation is
You just need to divide the number of possibilities to build a specific poker
hand by the number of total poker hands.
Let's run a few examples:
What are the odds of
a Royal Flush? 0.000,001,539
What are the odds of a Straight Flush?
Use the table below to calculate the probabilities of all
poker hands.
Poker Hands Odds Table
As mentioned above, there are 2,598,960 possible
combinations to make in poker. Below are the odds of making a poker hand in a game of
five-card draw.
Poker Hand No. Ways Probability Odds against Royal Flush 4 0.000154%
649,739 to 1 Straight Flush 40 0.00139% 72,192 to 1 Four-of-a-Kind 624 0.02401% 4,165
to 1 Full House 3,744 0.1441% 694 to 1 Flush 5,108 0.1965% 509 to 1 Straight 10,200
0.3925% 255 to 1 Three-of-a-Kind 54,912 2.1128% 46 to 1 Two Pair 123,552 4.7539% 20 to
1 One Pair 1,098,240 42.2569% 1.37 to 1 No pair / High card 1,302,540 50.1177% roughly
1 to 1
Poker Hand Absolute Value vs. Relative Value of Poker Hands
It should be noted
also that while poker hand rankings never change, sometimes circumstances can make a
good hand less valuable and a poor hand more valuable.
In other words, when it comes to
poker hands there's a difference between absolute value (reflected in the list of poker
hands above) and relative value.
For instance, in a game of Texas hold'em, if you have
two pair that might seem like a good hand.
But if your opponent keeps betting into you
and it's possible he could have a straight or flush, your two pair is no longer looking
so good.
Meanwhile, if you have just one pair but your opponent keeps checking to give
you a free play at the pot, you might well have the strongest hand and should bet your
The "absolute" value of your hand may not be great, but in that case the
"relative" value very well could be.
Also worth mentioning is the fact that in some
games like razz, deuce-to-seven triple draw, Badugi, and others you might encounter
when playing online poker, the hand rankings listed below do not apply.
These hand
rankings are for regular or "high-card" games, not "lowball" games with alternate hand
Poker Hands - What Beats What in Poker FAQs
What is the order of poker hands?
As shown in the poker hand rankings chart, the order of poker rankings (from the
highest to the lowest) is: Royal Flush, Straight Flush, Four-of-a-Kind, Full House,
Flush, Straight, Three-of-a-Kind, Two Pair, One Pair, High Card. What is the best hand
in poker? The Royal Flush is the best hand in poker. To have a Royal Flush, you need an
Ace, a King, a Queen, a Jack, and a 10. All the cards that compose the hand need to be
of the same suit. What beats what in poker? As you can see in our poker hand rankings
chart, the hands in poker follow a clear hierarchy. In a game of poker, the hand
rankings work as follows: a pair beats a high card; a two pair beats a one pair; a
three-of-a-kind beats a two pair; a straight beats a three-of-a-kind; a flush beats a
straight; a full house beats a flush; a four-of-a-kind beats a full house; a straight
flush beats a four-of-a-kind; a Royal Flush beats a straight flush. The Royal Flush is
the best hand in poker, so no one other hands beat this one. What is a straight in
poker? You have a straight when all the five cards that compose your poker hand are
consecutive ones. E.g. 5-6-7-8-9.
If the cards are of the same suit, you have a
straight flush, which is a considerably stronger hand compare d to the simple straight.
What beats a straight in poker? Although many see the straight as a stronger hand,
there are many other poker hands that beat it. The list of hands that beat a straight
includes: a flush; a full house; a four-of-a-kind; a straight flush; a Royal Flush.
What beats a flush in poker? The list of hands that beat a flush includes: a full
house; a four-of-a-kind; a straight flush; a Royal Flush. What beats a full house in
poker? The list of hands that beat a full house includes: four-of-a-kind; a straight
flush; a Royal Flush. What is the highest suit in poker? All the suits in poker have
the same value. In some games, different suits can be assigned different values. When
that happens, the value is as follows (from the lowest to the highest): clubs,
diamonds, hearts, spades. In that case, spades is the highest suit. How many poker
hands are there? The total number of poker hands in a game of poker is 2,598,960. Since
a game of poker uses a 52-card deck of French cards, there are 2,598,960 different
possible combinations (aka. poker hands). What hands to play in poker? The type of
hands to play in a poker game depends on the game you play and other factors like your
position in the hand, your stack, and the action at the table. In a famous poker
strategy article, professional player Jonathan Little shared which hands to play in
poker and how to play marginal hands. Can you make three pairs? Although it is possible
to hold a pair in your hand and then have another two pair appear among the five
community cards, you can only use a total of five cards to make your poker hand, so you
don't win anything for three pairs. Which is better, a set or trips? They are both
essentially the same hand because they are both three of a kind. The terminology "set"
is used when you have a pair as your hole cards and then catch another one of those
cards on the board. "Trips" is when there is a pair on the board and you have another
of those cards as one of your hole cards. Sets are easier to disguise than trips so
many consider them to be a better hand, although they both rank the same. What is a
chopped or split pot? If you and an opponent have the same five-card poker hand, then
the pot is divided equally between you. Say you have A♦J♣ and your opponent has A♠J♦,
and the board comes A♣8♦2♣3♥10♥. You both would be playing the same five-card hands in
terms of their value (A-J-T-8-3), and so would split the pot. If there is four of a
kind on the board, who wins? Because the aim is to make a five-card poker hand, whoever
has the highest fifth card in this case wins. If the board reads 7♣7♠7♦7♥3♣ and you
have A♠Q♠ in your hand and your opponent has K♣Q♣, then you win because you hand is
7-7-7-7-A and your opponent's is 7-7-7-7-K. You would also win even if your opponent
holding was K♣K♠ in this example. Why did my 4-4-4-T-T lose to my opponent's 7-7-7-8-8?
It is the three-of-a-kind element of a full house that dictates the winner. If you're
new to the game and want a reference of all of Texas hold'em hands, you can keep this
page open or you could always download and print our poker hands ranking chart that you
can find higher up this page and keep it next to you while you're playing
Download the PokerNews Ultimate Guide to Texas Hold’em An intro to Texas Holdem,
strategy, rules and styles of play, all combined for you to understand Texas Holdem
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